Prime Minister Dion Ngute Joseph has called on the staff of the Prime Minister’s Office to maintain the rhythm of their collaboration so as to help the Head of State attain the objectives of emergence.
The Prime Minister was speaking on Thursday, march 14 2019 at the end of a contact session with members of the staff and a tour of the different services at the Prime Minister’s Office.

After two months and ten days at the helm of the Government apparatus, Prime Minister, Dion Ngute thought it pertinent to acquaint himself with conditions under which his staff is working.
Accompanied by his close aids, the tour started at the fifth floor of the main building which habours the Director of Cabinet and the Protocol service. On each floor the PM greeted the heads of services and inspected their work space.
The guided tour led him through the security services, the adjacent budget service before the stop over at the construction site of a new office structure where excavation is going on. Upon completion, the six storey building is expected to habour all three cabinets as well as other auxiliary services.
At the Secretariat General, the visit took him to the annexe L-Building undergoing rehabilitation and upgrading. While waiting for the completion, the Secretary General is occupying the offices of the Secretariat of the Cabinet Meetings.
At the end of the contact tour, the staff assembled at the the auditorium for a working session. The PM said he was impressed by the shear grandeur of the structures he had visited and also with the work so far of the many heads of services he has had to work with.
The Prime Minister went on to exhort the staff to redouble efforts to accomplish the assignment the President of the Republic. has given them in the execution of his mandate.