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Division of Economy, Forecasts, Budget and Finance (DEPBF)


Chargés de Missions
Mme IKUNDI,née
  M. EKWA DIPANDA C.  M. SCHOUAME Alexandre M. EMINI Arnault 

Missions :

the Division Economy, Forecasts, Budget and Finance is responsible for analyzing the national and international economic situation, monitoring macroeconomic issues, conducting economic studies and forecasting on development, budgetary issues and economic and social programmes, in particular on the last aspect of Government’s annual social and cultural economic financial programme, in liaison with all the technical and internal structures of the Secretariat General.

In this capacity, it is responsible for processing and follow-up of issues relating to the following areas:

  • analysis of economic policies and productive sectors in conjunction with other Divisions concerned;
  • forecasting and macroeconomic framework;
  • the monitoring of the GESP and the Vision 2035;
  • Economic recovery and poverty alleviation agreements and programmes, in liaison with the other Divisions concerned;
  • the Government annual programme and action programmes of ministries in liaison with the other technical structures and the internal services of the Secretariat General;
  • rehabilitation and privatization of public companies;
  • the State and Local Authorities financial system;
  • the State budget and its dismemberments;
  • the collection of State revenues and the control of public expenditure;
  • budgetary discipline and public debt;
  • the State Treasury Plan;
  • the state financial operations table (TOFE);
  • tax and customs reform;
  • monetary cooperation within CEMAC;
  • the Franc Zone;
  • the relationship with the single European currency;
  • monetary policy, savings and credit;
  • the internal money supply;
  • exchange control;
  • monetary and financial markets;
  • banks and national financial, savings and credit institutions;
  • insurance;
  • economic and financial cooperation;
  • spatial planning in relation to DIMP;
  • the activities of international economic and financial institutions;
  • sectoral economic reforms with the IMF, World Bank, AfDB, UNDP, UN Economic Commission, African Union, European Union, and UNCTAD;
  • the evolution of foreign direct investment;
  • follow-up on the recommendations of the sectoral strategies;
  • any study entrusted to it by the Prime Minister or the Secretary General at the Prime Minister’s Office.


The co-operation components are managed in conjunction with all the other structures concerned.

The Division of Economy, Forecasts, Budget and Finance monitors files processed in ministries in charge of economy and finance, planning, programming and spatial planning, SMEs the social economy, the handicraft industry, as well as those bodies placed under the supervision of these Administrations. It also gives opinions on any draft instrument submitted to the Prime Minister, relating to its area of competence.

Cameroon in brief

Capital City : Yaounde
Area : 475 442 km2
Population : 23 739 218 hab. (2015)
Currency : Franc CFA BEAC (XAF)