Minister of Housing and Urban Development
is responsible for the preparation and implementation of Government policy on housing and urban development.
To this effect, he is charge of:
- developing and implementing a plan to improve housing in the rural and urban areas;
- implementing the social housing policy;
- monitoring the enforcement of housing standards;
- developing and monitoring the implementation of planning and restructuring strategies of towns with the relevant Administrations;
- developing and implementing integrated social development strategies in different urban areas;
- developing and implementing strategies to manage urban infrastructure in liaison with the Ministry of Public Works;
- developing and implementing traffic improvement strategies in major urban centres with Ministries and the Local communities concerned;
- beautifying urban centres in liaison with relevant ministries and local communities;
- planning and controlling the development of towns;
- monitoring the development of urbanization project master plans in liaison with Local communities;
- monitoring the enforcement of sanitation and drainage standards;
- monitoring the respect of standards governing hygiene and health, removal and/or treatment of household waste;
- liaising with international organizations concerned with the development of large cities in relation with the Ministry of External Relations.
He monitors the activities of associations related to the professions of architects, town planners and surveyors.
He works in close collaboration with Local communities and supervises the Cameroon Housing Company (SIC), projects and organizations involved in urban planning and housing.
He is assisted by a Secretary of State in charge of Housing.