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ESSO Laurent

ESSO Laurent

Minister of State, Ministre of Justice and Keeper of the Seals


- drafting laws and regulations on nationality, rules governing the conflict of laws, the statute of Magistrates, the organization and functioning of the High Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Council of the Judiciary and the judicial system;

- drafting laws and regulations relating to the statute of persons and assets, the system of obligations and contracts in civil and commercial matters (civil and commercial legislation), the rules of procedure and jurisdiction before all civil courts, general and special criminal law;

- preparing and implementing the penitentiary policy;

- processing clemency and conditional release cases;

- keeping and affixing seals of the Republic of Cameroon;

- monitoring the implementation of the penal policy;

- organizing and monitoring the running of detention centres and prisons and the management of personnel under the Penitentiary Administration;

- judicial cooperation with the Ministry of External Relations;

- following-up OHADA files in liaison with the Ministry of Finance and the relevant Ministries;

- monitoring human rights and the fight against torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment;

- monitoring the activities of the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms (NCHRF);

- monitoring the professions of Lawyer, Solicitors, Bailiffs and other court officers.

He presides over the Commissions of the Legislative and Judiciary Reform and ensures the functioning of the Courts.

He monitors the training activities of Magistrates, Clerks, Lawyers, Bailiffs, Solicitors and other court officers with the relevant Administrations and professional Organizations.

He ensures the discipline of Magistrates, Clerks and Officials under his authority.

He ensures the discipline of Lawyers, Solicitors, Bailiffs and other court officers.

He monitors the activities of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Office of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in liaison with the Ministry of External relations.

He advices Government on judicial matters.

He supervises the National School of Prison Administration.

He is assisted by a Minister Delegate and a Secretary of State.

Cameroon in brief

Capital City : Yaounde
Area : 475 442 km2
Population : 23 739 218 hab. (2015)
Currency : Franc CFA BEAC (XAF)